Please enjoy these complimentary books, courtesy of Aldersgate

Each book is written for people age 62+ who are considering their next steps. Use the form below to indicate which eBook interests you, and you will be sent your complimentary electronic copy. Also, let us know if you are interested in more information about Aldersgate or would like to receive a call from one of our ambassadors.

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Just fill out the form and select the titles you’re interested in learning more about.


Adopt a positive-aging mindset and make the next 20 years some of the best of your life. This workbook will show you how!

Designing Your Life: Planning with Positive Aging in Mind.
This book is courtesy of Aldersgate.

From tax saving strategies to tips on how much an entrance-fee community costs, this book walks you through the move to an age-restricted community.

Financial Considerations & Tips for Choosing a Community.
This book is courtesy of Aldersgate.

From the psychological topics of thinking about a move and getting started, to the physical nuts and bolts of reducing clutter.

Rightsizing Your Life: A Transformative Experience in Decluttering.
This book is courtesy of Aldersgate.

This book is written for people who have dementia and their loved ones who are in the important position of helping them.

Finding Your Path: A best friend’s guide to navigating dementia.
This book is courtesy of Aldersgate.
Aldersgate Community Living & Social Connection

Whether you’re a lone wolf or a social butterfly, planning your lifestyle around meaningful social connections adds quality years to your life.

Community Living & Social Connection: Your Key to Positive Aging.
This book is courtesy of Aldersgate.

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Should I Get the eBook or Attend the Web Seminar?

We recommend both. The web seminar offers interactive coaching and content that might not be covered in the book. However, the eBooks are excellent companion pieces that offer in-depth information, web links, resources and solo exercises not available in the web seminar.

How Do I Read It?

You can read the eBook on your iPad, computer of iPhone by clicking on the icon in your Kindle, iBook or Acrobat (PDF) applications. Also, you can print it from your device.

Need help? Please call (980) 268-3605 and we will walk you through it.

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